To all who read my letter and have a means of communication a definite youth struggling or reliable sources please tell them when they know any movements of the Libyan army toward any region keep it to himself and they are not authorized by any person whatever to speak,.. or talk about Gerdan NATO that they ambushed them, or any news for Army general said he loved his country not to talk about it in order to preserve them and please tell them to conceal the liberation of the city til it's up and in saefty
Please disseminate to understand the situation in Libya, this is a state of war!!
Those who have ears let them hear pls-we should stop aiding the rats with the movement of the troops in the Libyan army. Let us know if Khamis is alive and well-long live the Libyan army and peopl! long live gaddfi
ReplyDeleteOn the other hand, people should let everyone know the movements and plans of all the Nato rats and supports.
ReplyDeleteAnd don’t tell anybody that Kahims with a large green army is on his way back from Mars to liberate Bin Jawad or something else. Psssssst!
ReplyDeleteThe problem of libya has nothing to do with Khamis-he is part of the struggle-libya does not begin and end with Khamis! what is yr problem with khamis-havent we heard the death and capture of members of the libyan government for months now-only for them to re-appear from Mars?
ReplyDeletepomoc za vojsku libije stize ,za hrabre borce pukovnika gadafija koji su dokazali izuzetnu hrabrost i koji su pokazali da jedan vojnik libijske vojske vrijedi vise nego jedna brigada natoa i terorista zajedno sastavljena od al,kaide, mediji natoa i terorista na svaki moguci nacin prikrivaju gubitke koje imaju na 1000 terorista je zavrsilo u pustinji u pjesku kao pacovi zasluzeno ,libijska vojska uz upotrebu laki raketni sistema i dalekometni snajpera nanosi teroristima gubitke od koji se nikako nemogu oporaviti, gotovo svaki ispaljen metak pogada cilj ,propaganda koju sire mediji pod kontrolom natoa je velika do 90/posto lazni informacija pokusavajuci da uniste visoki moral libijske vojske i naroda sireci lazne vjesti o pogibiji generala khamis gadafija i drugi visoki zvanicnika vlade libije samo su jedne u nizu lazi koje siri nato ,pa su modernim sredstvima telekomunikacije montirali laznu vjest sa svoje televizije koju su lazno predstavili kao AL arai kopirali logo televizije i foto/montazom snimkova govora voditelja prave tv AL,arai montirali i objavili da je ubijen general khamis gadafi dok su prije nekoliko dana i vise blokirali signal prave tv AL arai iz damaska///SIRIJA/// i to je jedna u nizu podvala specijalnog rata koji vodi nato nebirajuci sredstva i cineci zlocin i genocid nad gradanima libije ///POZDRAV ZA PUKOVNIKA GADAFIJA , GENERALA KHAMISA ,MOUSU IBRAHIMA I CJELO RUKOVODSTVO LIBIJE I VOJSKU KOJA BRANI LIBIJU OD GLOBALNOG TERORIZMA I KOJA JE STALA U ODBRANU MEDUNARODNOG PRAVA I SLOBODA///
ReplyDeleteI just tried to reword the above post to suite English reads.
ReplyDelete"To all who have read my letter, and have means of communicating with {definite youth struggling} or with reliable sources, please tell them that when they are aware of any of the Libyan Army’s movements towards any region, to keep this information to themselves and that they are not authorized by any person whatsoever to speak or talk about {Gerdan NATO that they ambushed them}, or any other news relating to the Army. Tell them if they love their country to not talk about it in order to preserve it. Also please tell them to conceal the liberation of the city until it’s in ready and secure.
Please take care to understand the situation in Libya; this is a state of war!!"
- What is he talking about here: "Gerdan NATO that they ambushed them"
- What "city" is being liberated?
Gerdan in Arabic means rats. So he means the NATO rats.
ReplyDeleteand the city is Tripoli. Its on the verge of liberation...